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The Internet has opened new markets, fostered greater competition and redefined the business enterprise. What used to be a corporate office with cubicles of users is now a complex global network of partners, customers, employees and systems- all requiring specific access, control, and security over information asset.

However, while the internet has become indispensable to modern businesses, it has also created some unique challenges. In particular, people have struggled to cope with the sheer amount of data being generated. According to a recent forecast by analysts at IDC, the amount of created around the world in 2011 will approach 2 zettabytes and the size of individual files is also growing. Asides these there are many more problems confronting file sharing and transfer but recently Managed File Transfer (MFT) came to alleviate all of these distribution problems. Over the last few years, the MFT product category has grown and today, many MFT vendors’ offerings resemble frameworks that users can customize and adapt to suit their particular file transfer needs.


Opentext (2013). Are Big Files Big Problems: [online] 1-8 Available at: <http://www.findwhitepapers.com/force-download.php?id=33164> [Accessed on February 14 2014].